Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Could Justin Bieber be Humanities Saviour?

This afternoon, my roommate and I were having our daily discussion about nothing. As usual, Justin Bieber somehow made his way into our conversation. Before I go any further, I want to explain that I do not have Bieber Fever. In fact, it mystified me how the world could be obsessed with a young man, barely in his teens. He didn't seem to be anything extraordinary to me. That's why both my roommate and I got such a big kick out of a recent SNL skit with Dana Carvey as Church Lady, where the voice of God referred to Beiber as "His greatest creation".

A few minutes later, during the same conversation, the topic of Watson, the computer currently competing on Jeopardy against two of the greatest contestants in the shows history, and beating them handily, came up. My roommate expressed her fear that Watson is a sign of the things to come. In her opinion, a computer that could think could mean the beginning of the end for humanity. She went as far as to compare Watson to Skynet, the computer that lead to the destruction of the human race in the Terminator movies.

As she continued to express her thoughts on the future, I started to think. Could what she was saying be true? Is Watson the first step in the eventual take over of our world, by the computer? Could the future that we saw in the Terminator movies come true?

Before I began running through the streets, screaming "the end is nigh", a light came on in my head. Maybe not all was lost, yet. In the Terminator movies, there was one man who led the resistance, who stood against the machines as humanities last hope. That man was John Connor. If everything in the Terminator movies was about to come true, then there had to be someone who would lead the human race in our fight against the computer.

My mind raced. Who could be that man? Then it hit me like a speeding train. Could Justin Bieber be the real John Connor? It all started to make sense. He was raised by his mother. We don't know anything about his father. For all we know he could have been from the future.

I started to shake with excitement. With his current popularity, Justin Bieber could easily rally the world together in an effort to fight the future. Maybe Justin Bieber really is God's greatest creation, as foretold on SNL, sent as a representative of God, to show us the error of our ways.

Within minutes, my opinion of Bieber has changed. Sure his music isn't anything new or amazing. His look isn't really that fresh. Regardless of these facts, his popularity continues to grow. I used to stare, baffled, at Justin Bieber's face on every magazine in the grocery store line. I would ask myself, what people saw in him. What made him so appealing? What was his "It" factor? But, now I understand. When I looked into his eyes, I was staring at our future saviour, I just didn't know it.

Now when I see him, I won't shake my head in disgust. I will smile and thank the heavens that our future is safe in the hands of Bieber. Let the Gods protect and watch over him!!!

Until next time,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

It Begins

In 2009, I started a blog. After 3 months, 5 blogs, 2 readers and 0 followers, I lost interest. Sure, I loved writing a rant every few weeks, but when no one is paying attention, you begin to realize amusing yourself is a fairly uneventful experience. On the other hand, knowing you are presenting interesting thoughts and ideas that may generate discussion among your friends and strangers alike seems, in theory, to be a wonderful and exhilirating idea.

Fast forward 2 years, where social media continues to become more powerful every day. Now, the possibility of attracting readers to your blog becomes more attainable. Already I have sent a notice on both Facebook and Twitter, informing my friends and followers that I have started a new blog. Granted, a simple announcement of a new blog does not mean instant success. Most of the blogs I have read are written by people who either have a captive audience due to the website they write their blog on or who are famous. I am already starting at an extreme disadvantage as I am neither famous nor do I have a website that is regularly visited by thousands.

The only way I can hope to even attract one follower is to not only send continual reminders to encourage people to read my blog, but to write something that will capture the interest of my audience and entice them to continue to visit. This will be the ultimate test.

So, what can a reader of my blog have to look forward to? To be honest, I don't know. It depends on what lies ahead. What I can tell you, is that I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Whether it's a review of a new movie, a commentary on the state of our society, a rant about politics or anything else that might incense me enough to want pull out my soapbox and share my thoughts with the world, I will do so unabashed and uncensored.

If I can do this, with my humour intact, that may be enough to attract some followers and maybe create some interesting discussion along the way. I hope you will come along for the ride, and share your comments along the way, and hopefully we can enjoy the bumpy road of life together. And here we go. . .

Until next time,
